JaF Cascada de la Oceano (Cascada)
2015 Chestnut Filly – View Pedigree
Cascada is out of the incredible mare, Triple S Eclipse. Every foal out of this mare that I have worked with has been super athletic. Loaded with bone and overall substance, as well as a wonderfully easy-going, happy and bold personality – AND outstanding athleticism, this Foundation filly will be capable of excelling at any discipline.
JaF La Bella Muñeca (Muñeca)
(Spanish = The Beautiful BabyDoll)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Ranch Boss Foxy Roxie)
2011 Bay Mare – View Pedigree
Sold to Lezli Endicott-Budge of Hooper, Utah.
JaF Surf's Up Dude (Pete)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x JaF Mariposa Mtn Madrone)
2014 Palomino Colt – View Pedigree
Pete has been sold to Robin Ralston of Ahwahnee, CA.
JaF Tonalea Ni’zhoni (Toni)
(Navajo: Beautiful Lake)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Hideaway Starlight Moon)
2010 Palomino Mare – View Pedigree
Sold to Corie Brooks, Northern CA
La Bonita Primavera
(by Primavera Valdez)
1999 Bay Mare – View pedigree

Hanna is such a terrific riding mare that I had trouble making myself breed her. I did finally breed her though, and the result is the lovely and talented JaF Senorita del Rio Roja. Well, all good things do seem to come to an end, and Hanna caught the eye of a fellow Vaquero Horsewoman and consequently they are now together in Northern California as riding partners.
JaF High Society Buckaroo
(CanDon Joshua Danny x Hideaway Starlight Moon)
2006 Bay Gelding – View Pedigree
Buckaroo shows wonderful talent and has become a favorite for my working students (and me!) to take out for a fun afternoon’s ride. He is just so easy.
Treasure Donna
2003 Chestnut mare – View pedigree

Donna is from the great Treasure Morgans in Montana, as is Treasure Aurora. Line bred on top to the late great Morgan stallion Californio, I really wanted to see how this mare would nick with my stallion, JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude (who also goes back to Californio). Well, while the nick is more than I could ever have hoped for ( JaF Calico Treasure), I have been talked out of this mare and she is headed to her new home with my friends Mike and Margaret Jepsen. Congratulations!
JaF Diamonds of Sequoia
( Eclpyse Sundance Kid x Lee’s Mar-Star)
2005 Chestnut gelding
This was the last foal we bred by Buddy before he was gelded and sold to a truly loving home, where he is in the process of being trained as a California style Vaquero Bridle Horse. In an interesting coincidence, Two-Dee’s full sister, JaF Goldfire Michaela, was recently purchased by my working student, Casey, who not only started Michaela but is now also doing much of Two-Dee’s training. The two sisters are both quite tall and muscular, very athletic, and beautiful movers.
Two-Dee was given her nickname as a result of the two separate white diamonds that are on her forehead. She has a happy, outgoing personality and is a big “people horse”.
SOLD to Jamie and Margarito Medina, Kerman, CA
Riveroak Bay Laurel
(Telesis x Broadacres Rene)
1994 bay/brown mare

Bailey is a beautiful, well trained mare who has been used as a broodmare for the last 4 years. Before being placed in the broodmare herd, Bailey was used as a mountain horse in the Sierra, and also on cattle – both gathering, and in the sorting pen. Bailey is sensitive and energetic, and goes well for a rider who is confident, light handed, and considerate. She is a mountain goat on trails, but could use more time in an arena setting.
All her training has been done following the precepts of Buck Brannaman, Ray Hunt, and Bryan Neubert.
As a broodmare, Bailey’s foals have been even more beautiful than she is, with gorgeous heads, great breadth in the chest, long shoulders and hips.
JaF Sequoia Fortune
(CanDon Joshua Danny x RiverOak Bay Laurel)
2005 Chestnut gelding – View Pedigree
Fortune earned his name as a result of his very fortuitous timing of entry into this world. I was out of town when his dam, Bailey, went into labor just after noon. As it happens, Brent was cleaning corrals at that particular time, which is unusual in itself as he is usually done with that chore by mid-morning – plus, as we all know most mares prefer to foal in the dark.
Well, Brent noticed Bailey was in distress and unable to push the colt out beyond his nose and one foreleg. Brent pulled on an OB glove, pushed the foal back into the birth canal and fished out the second leg which had been locked at Bailey’s pelvic bone. Once both of the colt’s shoulders were free, Bailey was able to quickly complete the birth process and the foal was saved.
Fortune will be joining my summer pack string within the month. He has been ridden more than Pooh has but not yet packed – and I consider packing training a big part of my colts’ desensitization.
Sold to Kathy Collins of Dixon, CA!
JaF Navegador Abrevadero
(DLacey’s Midnight Sun x Lee’s Mar-Star)
2006 Black Chestnut gelding

Sold to Rick & Casey Allen of Castaic, CA
JaF Marissa Andreia (Greek = Daring One of the Sea) (Marissa)
2016 Chestnut filly – View Pedigree
Marissa is a very courageous, and super-friendly girl – with just a touch of spice. This gives her that “look at ME!” feeling. What I appreciate the most though, is her wonderful balanced conformation. Like her brother, Deseño, she is beautifully put together. This one promises to be another extremely athletic Morgan.
JaF Teneiya Heima
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Red Range Chamisa)
2010 Palomino Mare – View Pedigree
Teneiya is now residing in Southern CA with her new owner, Judy Hancock. One extra bonus – Judy and Teneiya are near Dawn Barker (who owns JaF Sunrise Prairie Rose, aka Kit), and they often ride together.
Triple S Eclipse (Eclipse)
2003 Foundation Palomino Mare – View Pedigree
Eclipse has been bred to Surfer for a 2017 foal, and will be heading back East to live with Beth Sheller, who breeds sport horses.
JaF Lequoia Wakanda (Lequoia)
(Sioux: Magical Giant Red Sequoia)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Triple S Nita)
2010 Chestnut colt – View Pedigree
JaF Sunrise Prairie Rose (Kit)
(Jaf Sunrise Surfer Dude x NVS Mi Sonnetta)
2012 Buckskin filly – View Pedigree
Jaf Higuera Daniella (Dani)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Ursula’s Higuera Bandita)
2008 Chestnut Mare – View Pedigree
Dani is just so, so cute! She has a pretty little dishey face and her daddy’s little typey ears. As chunky as both her sire and dam, she is very athletic and really uses her hind end well. And with her daddy’s super-laid back and calm personality, she has been incredibly easy to train.
JaF High Country Autumn
(Can Don Joshua Danny x Lee’s Mar-Star)
2009 Dark Palomino filly – View Pedigree
The only horse I bred for 2009, and my last Joshua baby. Autumn is a stunning chocolate palomino. She will be big, like all her siblings and in fact at 3 Autumn is already taller than all of the 4-yr olds. Although we started her under saddle on Memorial Day 2012, she won’t be ridden very hard till she is 4.
JaF Patron de Sol del Oro (Patron)
(CanDon Joshua Danny x Red Range Chamisa)
2006 Palomino gelding – View Pedigree
Congratulations to Ingrid Sutton of Washington!
Kizz-A-Me Kate (Kate)
(Black River Caballo x Conquest Moonmist)
1994 Bay mare – View Pedigree
Fondly known as “Kate The Energizer Bunny”, this is pure power and stamina in a relatively tiny package. Kate first proved herself as a riding mare, then went into the broodmare herd and foaled a spectacular, tall chestnut colt in 2007. With her huge walk she not only keeps up with the “big” horses, she usually outwalks them. Kate would certainly make an excellent endurance prospect for a smaller rider, or just a great trail horse. She is very brave and willing to try anything, and will do best with a confident rider who can make the most of her energy.
Now proudly owned by Sydney OBannon and her parents, Tug and Dr. Gayle OBannon
Red Range Chamisa
1988 Chestnut

Breed her or ride her, this mare is broke, broke, broke! She is a superb dressage horse and performs up to 4th-level maneuvers with ease and grace. She jumps. She is a terrific pack horse and mountain trail riding horse. She does everything. Amazingly athletic, she passes on her wonderful movement and ability to her foals.
Sold to the Helliwell Family of Strathmore!
JaF Tokota Enapay
(Sioux: Brave Friend to All)
(Jaf Sunrise Surfer Dude x NvS Mi Sonnetta)
2010 Buckskin colt
SOLD to Tom Smart, of Simi Valley, CA!
JaF Mendocino Maverick
(Can Don Joshua Danny x Kizz-A-Me Kate)
2007 Chestnut gelding

Owned by Jane Merrill of San Juan Bautista
JaF Tehama Mtn Mahogany
(D’Lacey’s Midnight Sun x Triple S Nita)
2007 liver chestnut mare
Tehama is out of one of the finest Foundation bred Morgan mares I have ever had the privilege to work with. Owned by Lynn Brown and leased to JaF Morgans, Triple S Nita consistently makes big, stout, easy to work babies. Tehama is a perfect example of all these qualities. She has a wonderful mind, is very curious and eager to learn, and was a star this past summer in my pack string.
JaF Bandido del Corazon (Derby)
(DLacey’s Midnight Sun x Ursula’s Higuera Bandita)
2006 Liver Chestnut gelding – View Pedigree
Derby is a half brother to our stallion, JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude, via the dam line, and is extremely similar to Surfer in size (at 14-3 hh), conformation and temperment. He loves people, is a bold trail horse, goes anywhere and keeps on going if that is what you want. In fact, Corazon recently completed 25 miles at the Tevis Fun Ride wearing a heavy stock saddle and ridden by my working student Jarrod Wilson, whom you see here. They trotted almost the entire way and passed everyone in their path. A true Morgan in every respect, and oh-so-beautiful!
JaF SanJoaquin SummerRain (Joaquin)
(Can Don Joshua Danny x Funquest Mountain Ms)
2007 Palomino gelding – View Pedigree
Joaquin is the last foal out of the late, great mare Funquest Mountain Ms. That cross with Josh is truly magic. When at play, Joaquin demonstrates his daddy’s wonderful self- carriage already – and combined with his typey head that makes him really fun to watch.
Sold to Larry Fetters of Southern California
Jaf Amanzar Valeroso
(Amberfields Stars N Stripes x Ranchboss Foxy Roxie)
2008 Palomino gelding – View Pedigree
JaF Triple Mayan Sunshine (Maya)
(Chalk Mt Sunny Mac x Triple S Nita)
2008 Palomino filly – View Pedigree
JaF Mariposa Mtn Wind (Windy)
DLacey’s Midnight Sun x RiverOak Bay Laurel
2007 Bay filly – View Pedigree
Like all Bailey’s foals, Windy has a stunningly beautiful head. She is truly a show stopper with her already long and full mane and tail, matching hind white socks, clear bay coat, and that incredible head. She is a very showy mover, too. Sensitive and alert, but not silly or flighty. Hundreds upon hundreds of mountain miles on this gal, and has been shown in several smaller horse shows, mostly in trail events.
JaF Ebony and Gold (KW)
(Chalk Mt. Sunny Mac x Hideaway Starlight Moon)
2008 Buckskin filly – View Pedigree
JaF Viajero Montaño
(Spanish = Mountain Traveler)
(JaF Sunrise Surfer Dude x Lee’s Mar-Star)
2011 Chestnut Gelding – View Pedigree
JaF Viajero Montaño has been sold to George Dugal, Jr, and will be continuing his life as a mountain horse.